I’m Going Green!!!

Whether or not you believe that Global Warming is happening right now (personally I hope it’s happening because I hate winters in Chicago) doesn’t quite matter, what you do need to believe in is the ROI in going green.

How you read the news has an effect on the environment. Do you read on your IPAD or are you subscriber to the print news? Do you watch your TV on an energy efficient flat screen or an old tube television? Are your light bulbs fluorescent or incandescent?

Trucking companies are asking these same questions about their fleet. Compressed Natural Gas or CNG powered trucks are being introduced to large fleets. With enough Natural Gas produced in the US to power our autos for the next 150 years, this source of energy is becoming a better alternative than diesel. The obvious major drawback is lack of CNG fueling stations but it’s a step in the right direction.

My buddy works for a Tire Distributor and he told me there has been an increase demand in double wide trailer tires. These tires reduce the weight and rolling resistance for a trucks. At double the cost, companies are seeing a real advantage to these tires and willing to pay the extra $ for em’.


The other day I was driving on 355 and saw a fold-able tail on the trailer complete with side fins. I’ve seen a couple of these since then and did some research on them. They help reduce fuel cost by 1.5-3%. You might not think that’s a lot but with gas prices so high it makes A LOT of sense.

The ? I’m asking myself is, “Will all of these green technologies and methods translate into lower trucking rates? ” My guess is probably not but I do know that companies who are willing to take these measures is a carrier I trust to haul my freight.

Do you think these are going to translate into lower rates?