El Nino is Spanish for the The Ninoooo

Good Morning and Good Monday!!!  As the East Coast and oddly the Mid-West brace for Hurricane Sandy (supposedly the strongest storm in 100 years, nothing like media sensationalism) there are a few things in the logistics community we should keep in mind.

#1 Make sure the place you are picking up at or delivering to is open, if it’s closed, you need to be flexible in regards to your shipments.   If there is one thing that is certain in this business is the uncertainty that is always present.

#2 While it’s important to get your shipments to your Just In Time customers, driver safety is always a top priority.  We can replace the product or post-pone  it, you can’t replace a life.

#3 Next week is going to be a little crazy.  Like any storm that puts shipments on hold, snow included.  There are going to be trucks in unusual spots up and down the east coast.  You need to be patient if you have a pickup next week.

Lastly, always be prepared.  For those of us who are not affected by Hurricane Sandy it’s a great reminder to always be ready for any type of disaster.  Having an emergency preparedness kit is essential for you and your family.  Do you have a week’s worth of water for everyone in your family?  Do you have non-perishable foods stored in the house in a water tight sealed bag?  You can never be too prepared.  http://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit

Have a great week!  Good luck to those of you who are going to get hard by Sandy.

The fr8master

4 thoughts on “El Nino is Spanish for the The Ninoooo

  1. Love the blog. Been a truck driver my whole life and it seems like no one puts an emphasis on driver safety. With all the new tests it is not like we can use the pick-me ups at truck stops like we used to. Its refreshing to see someone finally put safety as their #1 priority.

    • Thanks Max! I’ve been in this industry a little under 4 years and it seems to me that the longer I’m in the business the more I see drivers getting screwed not only by other brokers but especially dispatchers. The buck stops at the driver!!!! I try my best to remind myself that being an OTR driver is very difficult! Take care!

  2. So this would not be a bad blog if you didn’t have ignorant comments like in your title. El nino is Spanish for the ninooo? As a native Hispanic speaker that is both distasteful and ignorant to my language and my heritage.

    It is bad enough with all these laws that are getting passed trying to force hardworking Latin Americans out of the country because we do not have a green peace of paper- but to look at a freight blog and see things like this is just lower than low.

    Fr8tMaster must be English for racist, ignorant hill-billy trucker (is that a pretty good description of yourself?)

    • Miguel,

      Apparently, English isn’t your native language. It’s pIece of paper and I think those are called green cards. I’m from and live in Chicago so I’m far form a hill billy trucker. If you had any ounce of a sense of humor you would know this is a reference from a Chris Farley’s skit from SNL. So take up your grievances with Loren Michaels the producer of Saturday Night Live.

      I appreciate your concern and I will take it under advisement. Otherwise safe trucking Miguel.

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