What I don’t get is why did it take so long for someone to invent this and why Wal-Mart?  To me it’s a no brainer!!  If you pay attention to any news in regards to Freight there is a driver shortage.  Driver recruiters are struggling to find qualified drivers that are safe and experienced.

It seems like a perfect storm is brewing for an increase in rates.  Less drivers, higher gas prices, experienced drivers commanding higher pay, it all plays into your rate.  Leave it to Wal-Mart to find a solution.  Now I’ve never been a huge fan of Wal-Mart but they’ve found a partial solution to the driver shortage issue so they’re ok in my book.

I’m curious to see when this will roll over into the Over The Road (OTR) world.

Election Day!!!

As someone who follows politics, current events, and loves Chicago sports I was torn yesterday between a decision.  In hindsight it was wasn’t that difficult but at the time I was struggling. 

Free Bulls Game or Vote?  

Seeing as I live in Chicago, Barack Obama already won-that’s how I justified it in my head….but then I gave it much more thought and reminded myself that is our right to vote.  There are millions of people all over the world that would love to be able to have a say in who their elected leaders are.  

I woke up early and did it this morning and I’m still going to the Bulls game. BOOM!!!

So what does this have to do with Truckers and Transportation?  I’ve come across a number of people that have moved in the last year or have not registered to vote in their district and it’s sad.  It’s quite simple to register in your district.  

Then I thought about our drivers who are on the road nearly 6 day’s out of the week constantly moving.  How do they vote?  Absentee ballot?  Early voting in their hometown?  I would imagine that truck drivers have strong opinions when it comes to politics and issues facing voters.  There sure is a lot of time to think about the issues while you’re driving on the road.  I’d be curious to know what percentage of truck drivers actually vote and how they do it.  I’m going to do a little research over the next few days with my dispatchers and find out how these guys and gals get errr done.